Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hurrah For The Railroad

Last Monday evening, about 5 1/2 o'clock, the citizens of Rolla were greeted by the arrival of the first passenger train of cars, at the snug little depot which has, within a short time, been erected at this place . .[The] citizens of Rolla are be benefited by the trade which will naturally develop here. We notice that already quite a number of good buildings are being erected about the depot. Messers. Faulkner & Graves, Campbell & Co. and others who follow the road have already commenced moving their goods to this point. Business houses about the depot are growing more numerous, every day. It [is] a season, now, when business on the road is always light, but the preparations are being made for a large increase.
ROLLA EXPRESS, December 31, 1860

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