Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Current River Railroad

When i was little my grandparents had a farm in central Missouri .Shannon County. I used to wander around the woods and look for treasures. One day Bingo!!! I found a R/R spike in the middle of their property. 180 miles from any large city. Later in life i got to thinking about that day .I did some investigating and came up with some tidbits.

The tracks marks and Spikes i found were R/R tram lines from the 1920's and from a now defunct Current River R/R lines used to transport logs to the Current River then to Southern Shannon County for prossesing the White Oaks to St. Louis to be made into lumber or Rail Ties.

More info to come.

Later Durb------

1 comment:

  1. On the Topix.com, Willow Springs forum there is quite a busy discussion of the Current River Railroad and other, now lost, lines that once graced this part of the Ozarks.
